Call Your Mother Hearing Starting Now

The Board of Zoning Adjustment is about to start their public meeting. On the agenda is the application for Call Your Mother to remain at its current location at 35th and O St. (read here for background).

If you would like to watch on, go here for instructions on how to view the meeting. Please note that the Call Your Mother item is at the end of the agenda, after at least six other matters. So it probably won’t be actually discussed for a while.

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One response to “Call Your Mother Hearing Starting Now

  1. Magenta P.

    Same issue on Grace Street NW. Crowds of people gather around a bid sponsored streatarie right underneath bedrooms, living rooms and offices. It is impossible to work from home, it is impossible to relax at night. There is a public space courtyard right across the street, yet the bid, the businesses and the ANC see no issue of placing a Streatarie RIGHT UNDERNEATH HOMES. Bet if an ANC friend or CAG friend lived on Grace Street that streatarie would be gone. You have to have friends in high places in order for the right thing to be done in Washington DC. Small guys suffer. We had loved our home – now is is awful to live there. Noise 24/7.

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