Boys and Girls Club Fights for FY25 Funding

The Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Washington are fighting to keep funding for the critical afterschool program at Jelleff Rec Center in this year’s DC budget. The funding, which totals $600k, is being cut on the premise that the construction will be moving forward at Jelleff next year and thus the program cannot be offered. This premise is possibly doubly flawed. For one, there is no gaurantee that the construction will move forward next year. We’ve seen time and again projects like this get delayed, years at a time. Second, even if the construction moves forward, the after school program is nonetheless critically needed. Organizers are currently searching for a replacement location for the year (possibly at Hardy School itself) and that funding would be the difference between that happening or not.

Please see the plea below sent out by the Boys and Girls Club and reach out to your councilmembers to ensure this funding is restored!:

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