ANC Preview: Lousy Smarch Edition

After the drama of last month’s ANC meeting, most normal ANC meetings would seem boring. But from its agenda, next week’s seems especially so. If the agenda has one redeeming quality, it would be brevity.

But GM will bite the bullet and try and make it at least sound interesting:

Solar Panels

Some organization named Georgetown Energy will be presenting on solar panels. Solar panels have a particularly tough time finding an application in Georgetown given the strict design review protections, but it doesn’t mean they have no place here. What this group will specifically discuss, though, GM hasn’t a clue.

So Long Traffic Lights

Several months ago the traffic lights on P St. in the East Village were converted to stop signs after a trial period of flashing red lights. The experiment was transfered over to the West Village last month. Presumably the trial red lights worked out and soon 33rd and Q, 34th and Q, and 34th and Reservoir will convert to stop signs.

Here’s Looking at You, Champions

Plans have been in the works for some massive renovation of the Champions space (by the way, is it even open anymore? It looked closed last time GM went by). As of last November it was going to be renamed Casablanca and get a face lift to make it look like something out of Vegas. Now they are back to get a couple rooftop terraces approved, which always stirs up a big fight.

One question GM would like answered: is there any connection between their ambitious plans and the sudden vacancies of Richey Shoes and Against the Wall, both of which occupied the same building as Champions? Do they want an M St. presence?

Hmm, maybe it won’t be as boring as GM first thought. Find out for yourself over at Visitation next Monday at 6:30 PM.



Filed under ANC

2 responses to “ANC Preview: Lousy Smarch Edition

  1. Simon

    Don’t write off the excitement potential of Councilmember Jack Evans being on the agenda. Some folks are certain to want to ask him about his role in the underhanded Jelleff-Maret deal, not to mention snow removal!

  2. Pingback: Student Group Aims to Encourage More Solar Panel Use «

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