Live Like a Governor For $16,000 a Month

As GM let you know a couple weeks ago, two of the massive Cooke’s Row houses on Q St. just west of 30th are for sale. That includes the home at 3023 Q St. that was the residence of Henry Cooke himself, the first governor of DC.

And if you can’t pony up the $5 million it’s listed for, don’t worry. It still can be yours temporarily if you can come up with $14,000 $16,000 a month in rent.

At first, that sounds like a preposterous amount, but it’s actual a deal if you think about it. The going rate for a 1,500-2,500 sqf row house in Georgetown is probably around $4,000-$5,000. This house is 8,500 sqf. So for $14,000$16,000 a month, you’re paying less per square foot.

Plus, $14,000$16,000 a month would only support a mortgage of about $2.5 million or so. To get a $5 million dollar house for it is a steal (albeit a temporary steal).

Update: GM had the price slightly wrong, it’s $16,000 not $14,000. Still, it’s not a bad deal, considering.

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