Guards Closed

As GM relayed last week, Tim Carman of the Post reported that the future of the Guards, a mainstay of the Georgetown scene, was in doubt. On Friday, Carman reported that the decision was official: the Guards is closed (at least under current management). Carman writes:

Yes, it’s true, says longtime owner Hossein Shirvani, that he and the landlord are deep in lease talks over the future of The Guards. They’re both, he says, looking for someone to take over the space.

In other words, The Guards, the historic Georgetown restaurant that once was the playground of celebrities and politicians alike, is officially closed.

Carman goes on to explain that the decision to close by Shirvani was not economic but rather personal: he’s tired of the business and wants to move on.

GM swung by the Guards over the weekend and confirmed that it wasn’t open and now has “for lease” signs in the window.

GM’s not ready to call the Guards dead for good. Hopefully it will open again under the same name and same style, if not with a bit of a touch-up here-and-there. We’ll see…

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