Submit Your Input for the Transportation Study!

DDOT conducted its public workshops last week for the Georgetown Transportations and Access Study. Hopefully you were able to attend, but if you were not, there is still an opportunity to weigh in. Please participate in the survey DDOT is conducting on the draft recommendations! The information is below:

Community Workshop #2 Meeting Materials
Georgetown Transportation Access and Circulation Study

The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) hosted two (in-person and virtual) community workshops for the Georgetown Transportation Access and Circulation Study, a multimodal transportation study for the Georgetown neighborhood. The purpose of the workshop was to present draft recommendations were presented to the community and obtain feedback. Thank you to everyone who attended one of the two meetings.

The presentation slides from the in-person meeting (PDF) and virtual meeting (PDF) are posted on the project website. The boards (PDF) presented at the in-person meeting are also posted to the project website. A recording of the virtual meeting (link) is available on DDOT’s YouTube channel.

There is a short public survey open now until April 30th for all Georgetown stakeholders to provide feedback on the draft study recommendations. We invite you to provide your comments and share it with neighbors, coworkers, friends and others.

Take the Draft Recommendation Survey Now

All Georgetown Transportation Access and Circulation Study information, materials and updates are on the project website at

For more information, please contact Ted Van Houten, DDOT Project Manager at or (202) 716-5302.

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One response to “Submit Your Input for the Transportation Study!

  1. Thanks for staying on top of this. I took the survey.

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