ANC February Preview: The Hangover Edition

Last month the Old Georgetown Board did not meet. This had the fortunate by-product of making January’s ANC meeting short and sweet. Unfortunately, as the bender is followed by the hangover, so is the short ANC meeting followed by the tedious marathon.

The February ANC meeting must address all the Old Georgetown Board applications that have been queuing up for the last two months. As a result, we’ve got 15 different projects to trudge through next week. But nestled in that morass are several interesting items.

The first item that jumped out at GM as soon as he saw it is Brooks Brothers’ application to redo the Pottery Barn storefront. At the meeting we’ll find out whether Brooks Brothers is going to occupy the entire building or just one of the sections (the building has the Pottery Barn and the old Smith and Hawken spaces). Also, we ought to get a decent idea on when the store will open up.

The second item that ought to cause some interest is the presentation of the plan to renovate the Jelleff sports fields. GM has weighed in on his opinions, but at the meeting the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Maret School will be present to explain/defend the proposal.

Also Georgetown is going to get a little less Vegetarian. Amma Vegetarian Kitchen at 3291 M St. is going to close. It will be replaced by two restaurants: Georgetown Wing Co. and Crepe Amour. Apparently the wing restaurant will occupy the top floor and the crepe place will occupy the first floor. The same owners of Amma Vegetarian Kitchen will operate the new restaurant.

Finally, Sprinkles cupcakery will be back this month with a revised design. In December the L.A.-based company’s representatives came with an innovative design, including outdoor benches, for their proposed store at 3015 M St. The representatives’ California optimism ran smack into the maw of Georgetown bureaucracy, which has crushed the innovations of many who have come before them. Presumably they are back this month with a design that will significantly rein in their plans to modify the building’s Victorian storefront.

Tip for Sprinkles: The last time a cupcakery needed to get ANC approval, they engaged in a little light bribery. They ran into no more problems. Just a thought.

Anyway, if you’re a glutton for punishment, stop by Visitation next Monday night at 6:30.


Filed under ANC

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